Rest to ReSet: How we spend our TIME

Written by:

Kit Malvar Llamas

Rest To ReSet:

How WE Spend Our Time?

Do you place your time where your heart is?

One of the things that are simultaneously so precious yet taken for granted the most is time. In a world of distractions and challenges, it’s becoming increasingly easy to forget that human life is finite. That we don’t actually have all the time in the world.

On writer Sahil Bloom’s Twitter page, garnering over 70k likes, were data he shared from the American Time Use Survey and Our World in Data, as well as key insights.

Join Rest To ReSet: A WellBeing Camp in the Forest for All Ages

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Being able to intentionally decide whom and what activities we give our time to is crucial; a muscle that needs to be flexed sooner than later. One of the ways to maximize togetherness is by making sure that we show up in our relationships as our most authentic selves. Remember – where your intention goes, your attention follows.

This is where Conscious Alchemy’s team of facilitators and programs come in! Conscious Alchemy, through Camp Explore, Conscious Parenting Ph, and C+EdgE are:

  • Licensed by Franklin Covey Philippines to deliver “Leader In Me” programs (7 Habits of Highly Effective Families)
  • Certified Gallup Strengths Coaches
  • Strengths Strategy Coaches
  • Conscious Parenting Method Coach by Dr. Shefali Tsabary

It’s never too late.

Join us this February 11-12, 2023 (and all 2nd weekends of the each month of 2023) for Conscious Alchemy’s Rest & Re-Set: A Well-Being Camp for All Ages! No matter what age group you’re in, we’ll help you learn how to place your time where your heart is, setting you and your relationships up for success.

Learn more about the camp below!

Join Rest To ReSet: A WellBeing Camp in the Forest for All Ages

Check out programs for youth and families!

Camp Explore

Check out programs for parents!

Conscious Parenting Ph

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Check out programs for leaders in the workplace and professionals!


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Rest to ReSet: How we spend our TIME

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