
Strategic Planning

Create a shared understanding of priorities, strengths, challenges, and develop a roadmap for success. 

C+ExplorE’s Strategic Planning program can help your organization achieve your goals and objectives through a structured process of analysis, discussion, and proactive accountability.

Customizable, 2-4 days
For Who
Customizable for Leaders, Managers, Supervisors
Format and Schedule

In-person or Online, Book a schedule with us

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Intentions of the Program

Energized by the presence  

Create a positive and productive team culture where leaders and individuals show up and participate to celebrate wins/losses together.  One’s presence ripples and leads to improved performance, increased engagement, and greater success for the team and the organization as a whole.

Enkindled purpose 

Create a shared sense of direction, motivation, and fulfillment for the team. By fostering clarity and  a sense of purpose and meaning among team members, organizations can create a more engaged and effective workforce that is better able to achieve its goals and objectives.

Empowered with tools and languages

With specific communication tools & practices to listen better, deliver feedforward, and come from a place of curiosity, abundance, and proactive accountability, team members will be empowered to show up braver and more authentic. 


  • Curated Frameworks and Program Design 
  • Practice Exercises 
  • Case Studies 
  • Program Materials
  • Facilitators and Coaches 
  • Possible PDF Handouts 
  • Possible Team Coaching Session as follow through

This program is part of your journey

Are you a leader at work or at home? Do you aspire to become a leader, manager, parent, entrepreneur, coach, or youth who is more mindful, conscious, connected, and effective? Do you need guidance in clarifying your unique purpose so that you can lead a more fulfilling, energetic, and prosperous life? Then Conscious Alchemy is the path for you!

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Take the first step towards leading your purpose

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