Camp Explore

Building Resilience Skills for Clarity & Commitment for Teens (12-20)

Teenhood carries its own unique challenges and stressors. This 8-day program is designed to help your teens rise above feelings of stagnation, confusion, doubts, and being misunderstood. Through a Strengths-based program, they will learn to re-engineer the way they see themselves in order to live joyful and meaningful moments and relationships. 

12 years old and older, College students
Eight, 1.5-hours virtual sessions

Tuesdays and Thursdays, 4-530 pm
Batch 1: May 4
Batch 2: June 6
Batch 3: July 6

Register Here!

Intentions of the Program

Develop natural talents into strengths

This program will help your teen harness the areas they are naturally good at. Imagine a world wherein we were reared more towards focusing on what is STRONG in us, instead of what is wrong in us?

Detect the root cause of their anxiety

Each session will help your teen overcome their blindspots. We are empowering and equipping teenagers and adolescents towards the confidence of knowing and owning their unique contributions, whatever the situation!

Ignite vitality and achievements through creative collaboration

As long as we show up fully aware of who we are TODAY through our top 5 talent themes, we can always plant the seeds that will help us to bloom into who we want to be tomorrow! By becoming aware of their talents and strengths, they can show up authentically so they can achieve more together with others.


Online pre-event orientation

  • Strengths Assessment (Top 5 only)
  • Strengths 101: Get-to-know your strengths
  • Talent to Strength Development Tools
  • Strengths Use and Blindspots Awareness Frameworks
  • Fun Games, Exercises, and Conversations
  • Mindfulness Activities
  • Strengths Hero/Avatar Presentation


This program is part of your journey

Are you a leader at work or at home? Do you aspire to become a leader, manager, parent, entrepreneur, coach, or youth who is more mindful, conscious, connected, and effective? Do you need guidance in clarifying your unique purpose so that you can lead a more fulfilling, energetic, and prosperous life? Then Conscious Alchemy is the path for you!

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Take the first step towards leading your purpose

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