
Talks, Keynotes, Resource Speaker

Ignite curiosity, inspire, and empower participants to create immediate transformative action. 

Topics include:

  • Compassionate & Mindful Effective Leadership
  • Mental Health 
  • Increasing Accountability & Decreasing Frustration
  • Transforming Bottom Lines
  • Work-Life Balance
  • Stress Management
  • People, Planet, Profit, and Proactive Leadership
  • Strengths-Based Culture
Customizable, 60-180 minutes
For Who
Customizable for Organizations, Leaders, Managers, Supervisors, Rank & File
Format and Schedule

In-person or Online, Book a schedule with us

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Intentions of the Program

Stir up curiosity on an improvement intention

Curiosity is a powerful way to motivate individuals or teams to take action towards positive change through stories, encouraging experimentation, and celebrating progress and milestones. 

Empower with specific tools to support growth intention

‍By providing individuals or teams with specific tools to support their growth intentions, they can feel empowered and supported in achieving their goals. 

Tools can help individuals or teams take actionable steps towards growth intentions and achieve long-term success. 

Inspire action and commitment despite challenges

Communicate a compelling vision, encourage innovation and foster a culture of resilience to develop skills and mindset needed to navigate challenges supported by a community.


  • Customised Content
  • Materials and handouts
  • Framework and Practical Tools

This program is part of your journey

Are you a leader at work or at home? Do you aspire to become a leader, manager, parent, entrepreneur, coach, or youth who is more mindful, conscious, connected, and effective? Do you need guidance in clarifying your unique purpose so that you can lead a more fulfilling, energetic, and prosperous life? Then Conscious Alchemy is the path for you!

Learn more
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Take the first step towards leading your purpose

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